Reminiscing. When I was young and the internet was even younger. I got online exploring on IRC and met her. She was much older and at the end of a marriage. I resisted and she persisted. The rest I do not regret.
Feedback welcome.
File type:mp3
File size:9.2 Mb
Weekly plays:1
Weekly downloads:0
License:Commerical derivatives allowed; contact artist for permission
My ex wife and I seperated after many years together, I always said I would never love again BUT ( always a but lol ) I have remarried and she recently also remarried and I am so happy for her .. Love happens whether we want it or not lol ... Great song , and reminds me of the wonderful " Talking heads " ...Very much enjoyed this 👍
Thank you @yoslounge @Sprout for the listen. I'm curious to know which particular songs from the talking heads. I only know their popular stuff which was great.