It's the end of February (as I type this) and hopefully anyone who is working on the RPM challenge is crossing the final 'i's and dotting the final 't's.
I thought I'd make a thread for those taking part in the challenge to post links to their work as they put them up on the site. So link away!
Looking forward to hearing what folks have been working on!
My EP for RPM this year explores themes of fate, chance and loss of control.
I used various chance music techniques, so that elements of each song were left up to fate. I also pulled tarot cards to determine the overall vibe for each song.
1. I made a 12-tone matrix, a grid that maps out the 12 tones of a scale in various orders, determining the order of the notes (however, I used this matrix loosely). The tarot card was Five of Cups.
2. I rolled dice to determine parameters of this song, including tempo, key, alternate scales, synths, vocals/lyrics, etc. The tarot card was Temperance.
3. I splattered coloured paint on a blank manuscript and used the score as a sort of graphic notation to determine the loose placement of the melody and harmony. The tarot card was The Hanged Man.
4. I wrote down tons of different chord progressions (major, minor, simple, complex) and drew 5 at random that I then implemented into this song. The tarot card was Six of Swords.
Here's the link: