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E-mail Notifications

18-Sep-2023 | 5:10 PM
I'm still not getting email notifications on most comments on any of my tunes. As of this writing, my latest tune has three comments but I only received an email about the first comment.
thanks for the update John! Nothing in spam & eggs?
Latest song: New Flags
1 year ago
I'm seeing a couple of soft bounces for email intended for you. A soft bounce can occur for a number of reasons: Mailbox is full (over quota). Mailbox is not configured correctly. Mailbox is inactive. Recipient email server is down or offline. Recipient email server has been sent too many emails during a period of time. Email message is too large. Domain name does not exist. Email message blocked due to content. Email message does not meet the recipient server’s policies. Email message does not meet the recipient server’s DMARC requirements for authentication. Email message does not meet the recipient server’s anti-spam requirements. Email message does not meet the recipient server’s anti-virus requirements. Email message does not meet the recipient server’s sender requirements. Email cannot be relayed between email servers. Email cannot be relayed for unknown reasons. I'll keep looking into it.
1 year ago
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