Music » Ska/Reggae/Dub » zincshed » Song
Song information
Here is a piece known as Chopsticks. It is correctly titled "The Flea Waltz" or "Der Flohwalzer". It is mostly played on the black keys and is not actually a Waltz. There is an entirely fictitious story that it was composed by Ferdinand Loh (F.Loh translates as flea in German) but it seems to be universal and is known by different names in countries around the world. Was this piece originally approved by music teachers as a starter piece?

There is another piece called Chopsticks but its correct title is “The Chop Waltz” and it was published in 1877. These two pieces can cause musical mayhem. As a youngster, whenever there was a gathering of children next to a piano someone would play one of these pieces and then start doing silly things like playing it as fast as possible. This naturally gained a telling off from any adult within earshot.

Please share your encounters with these pieces.
Released: 30-Dec-2023
Category: Ska/Reggae/Dub
Application: Cakewalk
File type: mp3
File size: 1.3 Mb
Plays: 27
Downloads: 0
Weekly plays: 1
Weekly downloads: 0
License: Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
"Stop that racket - Get off that piano NOW!"
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Super idea to play it as a reggae
11 months ago
The only piece that I can play...on the piano...and badly! This is so enjoyable! And the background is so interesting! Thanks! Happy new year!
11 months ago
Very originally performed. Happy new year !
11 months ago
Very fun piece Roger! Crystal clear, as always....
11 months ago
11 months ago
Enjoyed the piece... Fun stuff! And thanks for all the background info. I love reading well written liner notes! 😋
Latest song: This Desert Place
11 months ago
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