I wrote this song around 1995 to recall the time (four years) I toured with the Los Angeles based band SPAIN. I finally started laying down the track around 2009 with the help of Geoff Brown, but the song was never finished because a vocalist could not be found. During a recent session with Alberto Perez the former Latin Percussionist for the Band, he gave me some tips to help finish the song. The lyrics were lost in the big crash of 2005, and all I remember is... At the nights beginning The lights were spinning And the boys were grinning 'cause the girls were sinning Last Night in LA A male or female vocalist is needed to help finish the song. Let me know if you can help... Thanks! Geoff Brown, Steve Caustrita: Guitars Alberto Perez: Congas, Latin Percussion Steve Caustrita: Drums, Timbales, Bass, Keys
Application:Logic Pro
File type:mp3
File size:10.9 Mb
Weekly plays:6
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License:Derivative works allowed on iBandstand only; contact artist for permission
Really great groove! Can't tell you how many lyrics and songs I've lost to a handfull of hard drive crashes, but take what you can remember and run with it. This just screams for some sizzling vocals.
@jgurner Hope I can find someone here to add some sizzling vocals. Some of what was lost was rediscovered on old cassette recordings. Once I get the old Tascam 244 going I might find more of those punchy LA grooves, and lost lyrics.
Hello there stranger. This is one heck of a groove you've got here. I'm digging this. You always do great work, and this is no exception. If I can think of any singers I know who would work for this, I'll let you know for sure.